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October 21st , 2005

Saddam’s intelligent, courageous and eloquent defense in the Special Tribunal

Xiaoguang Jin,

Lawyer from Beijing Kingdom law Firm

Saddam Hussein, once a powerful battle-tested veteran, is now held in detention. The former Iraqi president is facing criminal charges in the Special Tribunal established by the US and his political opponents. How and what kind of tactics he will take to defend for himself in the trial?

Saddam Hussein appeared in court alleging himself as the Iraqi president on October 19, 2005, and took an imposing control of the courtroom against the presiding judge Rizgar Mohammed Amin.

When asked to confirm his name by the chief judge Amin, Saddam answered: “You know me. You are an Iraqi and you know who I am.” This showed Saddam refused to recognize the Special Tribunal and would not answer to the court. At the beginning of the trial, he had played the keynote of his defense.

Saddam asked in retort testily: “"Who are you? I want to know who you are?" Saddam seemed to still regard himself as the president of the country. He had the legal right to get knowledge of identities of judges as a defendant. Judge Amin refused: “it’s has nothing with you who I am”. The refusal to Saddam’s challenge exposed well-trained Amin’s defects in his legal quality. Amin was no match for this argument with Saddam. Anyone with basic legal sense knows judge Amin had made a procedural mistake here. A defendant has right to learn identities of the judges and to appeal for avoidance of a judge with due reason. How could a defendant’s right for avoidance appeal be protected if the basic right to know names of judges was been denied?

Saddam had been kept in detention for 2 years without freedom and had been deprived the right of speech. He would grasp the opportunity for defense to address to the public, claiming: “But upholding what is right and respecting the great Iraqi people who chose me I won't answer to this court, with all due respect ... and I reserve my constitutional rights as the president of Iraq.”

In order to win Iraqi people and Islamist states’ support, Sadam carried a copy of Qur’an and begun reading from it in the court. He acted just like a messenger of Allah and his strong power come from holy Allah of all Islamists. He even answered Amin’s question about the defendant’s identity “in Allah’s name’’.

Facing the special tribunal and thousands of focused eyes before television, Saddam took the occasion to disclose the fact that his basic human rights had been violated and deprived, complaining: “I have been here in this military building since 2:30, and then from 9, I have been wearing this suit. They have asked me to take it off and then put it on again many times.” “They have prevented me from getting a pen and a paper because paper, it seems, is frightening these days. I don't hold any grudges against any of you.” Saddam couldn’t even touch paper and pen while in detention. The audience could imagine his human rights status. He had been denied basic human rights. Why was a mere piece of paper frightening? That was because they feared that Saddam would disclose some facts and lies hidden from the public. Saddam had a quick brain and a trenchant pen, which benefited from his favorite of reading.

Facing charges of list of crimes, especially “Dujail Village Genocide”, Saddam seemed clear that his best tactics of defense was to challenge illegitimacy of the Special Tribunal which would fire some Iraqi people’s protest against the trial, instead to be involved in details that would lead to his verdict.

Saddam challenged: “Neither do I recognise the body that has designated and authorised you, nor the aggression, because all that has been built on a illegitimate basis.” Saddam not only pointed out illegitimacy of the Special Tribunal but also illegitimacy of the overthrow of former Iraqi government by the US based on Iraq’s owning mass destruction weapon.

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